Monday, December 7, 2009

A Few Startling Statistics

Sweatshops may seem like a distant unpleasantry, but it is exactly that perspective that enables their existance. Here are a few facts that will wake you up:

-There are over 2 million abused workers manufacturing products
exclusively for the United States.
-The average American spends approximately $1,831 on clothing per year. Out of that money, only $55 went to the apparel workers.
-However, 7 out of 10 prospective customers would pay more for a product if they knew it was not produced in abusive conditions.

Think about it.

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Hello, and welcome to your one-stop destination for sweat-free shopping. In basic terms, sweat-free shopping is purchasing items from companies that comply with moral labor standards. This blog will (happily!) guide you in your quest to shop responsibly.

Workers in sweatshops are characteristically overworked, underpaid, and unable to unionize. By purchasing items produced in sweatshops, you are enabling companies to continue their immoral practices. Remember...your dollar has a voice!

This is a brand new blog and is constantly under construction. We are eager to hear any feedback or suggestions you might have towards the improvement of this site.

Happy Shopping!
Tasha and Lindsey.