Friday, December 4, 2009

Our "Foundation's" Foundations: The Fair Trade Federation and the Hunger Site

When we first began our research, we stumbled upon two lovely organizations which soon became our inspiration.

The Fair Trade Federation, one of the biggest names in anti-sweatshop organizations, has been dedicated to ethical manufacturing since the 1970s. Its mission is simple: to make the fair trade movement an internationally accepted policy. It offers fair-trade products, sells such items to those with their own businesses, and even posts a few recipes using fair-trade ingredients!

The Hunger Site’s original intent was to use to power of the Internet to eradicate world hunger, and has certainly made bounds to accomplish that goal (Hunger Site shoppers have paid for 657 million cups of food!). However, it also champions an impressive variety of fair trade products, from jewelry and apparel to home décor and body products. Did we mention that ALL of its profits go to feeding hungry people? Its popularity has won it numerous awards in web activism, including the 2000 Cool Site of the Year Award and the People’s Choice at the 2000 Webby Awards. Take a look-see at the cute recycled bags!

All of these links are featured in the helpful links section for your convienance.

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Hello, and welcome to your one-stop destination for sweat-free shopping. In basic terms, sweat-free shopping is purchasing items from companies that comply with moral labor standards. This blog will (happily!) guide you in your quest to shop responsibly.

Workers in sweatshops are characteristically overworked, underpaid, and unable to unionize. By purchasing items produced in sweatshops, you are enabling companies to continue their immoral practices. Remember...your dollar has a voice!

This is a brand new blog and is constantly under construction. We are eager to hear any feedback or suggestions you might have towards the improvement of this site.

Happy Shopping!
Tasha and Lindsey.